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The {{lmt}} parameter file is in written in “eXtensible Markeup Language” (xml). For under-
standing the examples you may want to get a jump start in xml file structure first.
Don’t be scared. Even without any previous knowledge you’ll be able to understand the
xml structure used for {{lmt}} in less then half an hour. Please consult the Internet to find
suitable introduction into [https://www.w3schools.com/xml/ xml]

Revision as of 08:48, 2 December 2020

The lmt parameter file is in written in “eXtensible Markeup Language” (xml). For under- standing the examples you may want to get a jump start in xml file structure first. Don’t be scared. Even without any previous knowledge you’ll be able to understand the xml structure used for lmt in less then half an hour. Please consult the Internet to find suitable introduction into xml